Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dont Touch my Starbursts

Hey little ones!

So I was standing in front of the vending machine today, debating the pros and cons of skittles and Starbursts. Basically, I was in one of my 'I need to eat something sweet now, or die in the next 30 seconds' kind of moods. Now with Skittles, you get an extra flavor, and it's easier to give them away without feeling like you have barely any left. Maybe this is why people are always reluctant to share starbursts. Think about it. Whenever you ask someone for one of those yummy little squares of juicy sweetness, they always hesitate, and then smile, followed by "What color?" You, of course answer with your favorite flavor, which then becomes their favorite, whether it is or not, and this goes down the line, (2nd favorite, 3rd fav...etc...) until the only flavor left is the one that you would rather chew on your own finger than eat. This to me, is how you can discern a normal person from a little less than a saint. If when you ask them for a starburst, they offer you the package and let you pick. Needless to say, I went with the skittles.

Another way I can make out the character of a person is once again through one of my casual observations in life. I was walking to class today, and just looking around, because my iPod was out of batteries, and I couldnt stare into space without looking like a freak. Earphones allow you that privlage, in case you hadnt noticed. Anyway, So I notice there was this one guy coming toward me just kind of walking (he had earphones.) Then, he kind of looked to his left a little and looked back forward again. Suddenly though, his head whipped around to the side again, and he quickly altered his path and jogged in a different direction. And here I was thinking "WTF?" So, obviously I slow my pace to observe.

So, earphone jogging guy had gone over to a door that was opening slightly, all you could see were some bags and a foot. He makes it over to the door, and grabs a hold of it from whoever its struggling with it. As he's holding it open, an elderly woman, laden down with bags, sleps out holding the hand of a little boy who is holding a 'sight stick' (i dont know what they are actually called...Long story short, this little boy was blind.) The woman smiles up at earphone guy, and continues to escort the little boy to her car. However, earphone guy wasnt done being princely. Oh no. He calls out to the woman, and offers to carry her bags for her, which you can tell she is releived this lovely speciman of a gentleman carrys her bags for her, offers any other help he can, and when the woman replies no, he smiles, nods, and continues on his way. By the point, I was walking by the Lady getting in her car, and she was muttering to herself phrases like "Lovely young man..." this put the biggest smile on my face...most people wouldnt even notice the door being opened, let alone helped an old lady and her disabled grandson with their bags.

So in my book, Lets just say that earphone guy is slightly above the Starburst sharer's, and thats saying a lot.

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